The Curse of Kudan (2019)
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The Curse of Kudan (2019)

Дата выхода: 26 апреля 2019
Жанры Хоррор, Приключения, Новелла, Мистика
Платформы PC, Android, iOS, Switch

Girls + Yuri + Urban Legends With 11 CGs to enjoy, The Curse of Kudan is about the story of student Sakuya Kudan and culinary teacher Touko Shima after they've started to have feelings for each other. However, their peaceful everyday life is abruptly shattered when Touko sees Kudan, the harbinger of calamity. Now, Sakuya must face off against the unknown in order to protect the people she loves...


There's a rumor going around about the urban legend known as "Kudan."
They say that it takes the form of a woman in mourning dress, her face covered by a black veil, her right severed at the wrist...
They say that those who lay eyes on her are doomed to have misfortune befall them within seven days...

Feelings start to bud between student Sakuya Kudan and culinary teacher Touko Shima after coincidence brings them into one another's orbit.
However, their peaceful everyday life is abruptly shattered when Touko sees Kudan, the harbinger of calamity.
The hours tick down as Sakuya rushes find a way to combat the curse, and her search brings her to the academy's Occult Research Club and its president, Koto Ashinaki.
Now she must face off against the unknown in order to protect the people she loves...


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Даты выхода

Nintendo Switch 21.12.2023
PC (Microsoft Windows) 30.10.2020
Android 08.11.2019
iOS 08.11.2019





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