8.7 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Remake (2014)
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The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Remake (2014)

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - это нисходящая, процедурно сгенерированная рогалическая игра, переделанная на основе оригинальной игры The Binding of Isaac. Вы играете за Исаака, маленького мальчика, которого мать загнала в подвал, намереваясь убить Исаака ради своего спасителя. Вы исследуете различные уровни, собираете предметы и пытаетесь победить свою мать .. и любое другое зло, которое вас ждет. Если вы умрете, вы перезапуститесь ни с одним из собранных вами предметов, и вам придется снова и... развернуть


Мрачный роглайк-шутер с затягивающим игровым процессом. Исследуйте подземелья, сражайтесь с монстрами и собирайте уникальные предметы, играя вместе с другом.


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

iOS 10.01.2017
Wii U 28.10.2015
Xbox One 24.07.2015
New Nintendo 3DS 23.07.2015
Nintendo 3DS 22.07.2015
Linux 04.11.2014
PC (Microsoft Windows) 04.11.2014
Mac 04.11.2014
PlayStation Vita 04.11.2014
PlayStation 4 04.11.2014


призраки робот monsters cybernetics bloody путешествия во времени убийство drugs магия sword virus dungeon health roguelike halo summoning смерть роботы процедурная генерация angel elves fire ps4 slot machine frog dungeon crawl gambling candy pets time manipulation christmas shadow bullet hell remake головоломки flight role playing action-adventure rainbow cyborg вода religion button стим (steam) multiple protagonists bird nightmare child protagonist несколько (множество) концовок permadeath mutants traps princess portals steam trading cards revenge пиксель арт (pixel art) worm amnesia easter egg nudity random level generation телепортация giant insects slow-motion silent protagonist dungeon crawler bats gods darkness битвы с боссами explosion стим (steam) ачивки digital distribution steam cloud anthropomorphism throwing weapons countdown timer challenges spider playing cards 60 fps on consoles character select screen voice acting scatological humor protagonist's name in the title cat top-down perspective mind control daily challenge shopping bow upgradeable weapons breaking the fourth wall pop culture reference transforming boss game reference deliberately retro cameo appearance priest non-humanoid protagonist touch controls original soundtrack release unlockables wasd movement white noise color separation non-player character extreme violence descendants of other characters corpse young protagonist playstation plus distaff counterpart treasure chest downloadable content black market melee real-time combat environmental puzzles gravity control a.i. companion blindness stat tracking instant kill secret area infinite ammo invisible enemy unbeatable enemy betrayal vision obstruction shielded enemies optional boss difficulty level shaky cam multi-phase boss nonexistent light source internet culture reference fake glitch self-referential humor female antagonists subtitled silence asymmetric co-op multiple gameplay perspectives movie reference inconvenient malfunction rpg elements twin stick control cross-save e3 2014 pax prime 2015 falling sequence video game characters that play video games developer cameo christianity bread destructible environment daily content sequence breaking real-time waiting consolation achievements recurring boss water level sleeping item combination suicide difficulty achievement pacifist playthrough tentacles trophies clone chapters temporary invincibility mod support multiple enemy boss fight dynamic soundtrack versus screen boss assistance valuable garbage ouija board spiky-haired protagonist regenerating health splash damage overweight character cross-dressing environmental kill poison invisibility new game plus resized enemy trail of death aggressive door-opening air strike lock picking severed limbs dream sequence infinite spawn barbarians hidden character context sensitive living inventory secret achievements heal over time restoration game cartridge swarming enemies foreshadowing point of no return hidden room flash game origin flip screen product placement music speed up passive ability vampirism selective invincibility monsters that look suspiciously like genitalia conga line party demonic protagonist 3-d glasses roguelite psvita male protagonist

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