Testament (1987)
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Testament (1987)

Дата выхода: 08 октября 1987
Жанры Шутер, Фэнтези, Триллер, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы MSX2, PC-8801

As told by the ancient scroll Lyle found on his travels, a great five-headed Pentadragon once ruled the Diodoran continent with its legions of monsters. The heavens struck them down, sinking their land far into the earth...until now. With Pentadragon and Diodoran resurfacing to torment the world again, Lyle ventures out with gun and gear to rid this realm of evil and fulfill the gods' prophecy. Testament is a top-down, multi-scrolling shoot-'em-up adventure with several complex levels to explor... развернуть


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Даты выхода

MSX2 01.01.1988
PC-8801 08.10.1987



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