Talking Ben the Dog (2011)
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Talking Ben the Dog (2011)

Дата выхода: 29 апреля 2011
Жанры От 1-го лица, Симулятор, Комедия
Платформы Android, iOS

Talking Ben the Dog is a simulator game. To make Ben responsive, you will have to bother him long enough that he will fold his newspaper. Then you can talk to him, poke or tickle him or even have a telephone conversation with him. If you get Ben to his laboratory however, he becomes as happy as a puppy. There you can do chemistry experiments by mixing a combination of two test tubes together and see the hilarious reactions.


Ben is a retired chemistry professor who likes his quiet comfortable life of eating, drinking and reading newspapers.


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Даты выхода

Android 29.04.2011
iOS 29.04.2011


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