Летите на своей крошечной беззащитной капсуле к большим кораблям, состыковывайтесь с их воздушным шлюзом и прокрадывайтесь внутрь. Оказавшись внутри, вы крадетесь по их коридорам,...
The survival action is set in a post-apocalypse, when the world saw an outbreak of an unknown infection that destroyed almost all the human race. All those dead started turning int...
Godlike Burger puts you in the shoes of a crazy chef who makes the best burgers in the universe. Secret ingredient? The clients themselves! Run the restaurant, create new recipes a...
Objects in Space - это стелс-игра в стиле модемпанк, действие которой разворачивается в Аполлоне, огромном скоплении звездных систем на расстоянии десятков световых лет от Земли. В...
Monobot is a 2D physics-based puzzle platformer where you take control of Mono, a small entity caught up in a hostile world set in a dark, distant future. Coming online, Mono finds...
Nakwon is a 3-person view Zombie Apocalypse Stealth Survival game. Experience a new form of 'Post-Apocalypse Life' that you've never seen before. Explore 'Extraction Survival' and...
A hacker-typing stealth game where you guide a desperate stranger through a mysterious station performing dark experiments.
Starfighter Origins is a 90`s style Indie space combat simulator inspired by games such as wing commander, Freespace and star wars. Combining a focus on single player action and fa...
A security job gone wrong. Now you are trapped with something deep inside an underground research bunker, and you are all that is left. Can you overcome your fear in this escape ro...
Three limbs ripped off, infected with a deadly parasite, you must save your research. Drag yourself through the corridors of a secret research lab on a remote asteroid, fight off h...