8.1 Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)

SSBB / Project Sora

Super Smash Bros. Драка - это третья часть Super Smash Bros. сериал и продолжение Super Smash Bros. Рукопашный. В этом издании представлены суператаки, называемые final smashes: активируемые уничтожением smash balls, они представляют собой мощные и часто неудержимые атаки, регулярно приводящие к серьезной трансформации персонажа. Это издание также вводит совершенно новый приключенческий режим в Subspace Emissary, который представляет собой приключение с боковой прокруткой в стиле платформера. В... развернуть


Скриншоты и арты


motorcycle fighting гравитация ниндзя sword pikachu photography minigames mascot pokemon guitar playing смерть chimera роботы 2.5d fire egg frog archery gambling shadow spaceship hand-to-hand combat brawler flight rainbow side-scrolling crossover вода metal gear multiple protagonists parallel worlds dodge time limit онлайн princess blocks sushi снег wolf missile boomerang tank easter egg dog телепортация yo-yo pizza sequel slow-motion wall jump yoshi плавание turtle tournament puppet user generated content битвы с боссами guest character explosion deathmatch timer anthropomorphism bonus stage monkeys throwing weapons countdown timer super-ness alternate costumes 60 fps on consoles world map character select screen voice acting ranking system human polygonal 3d bow damsel in distress breaking the fourth wall motion control hedgehog deliberately retro photo mode collectibles special attacks unlockables polar bear ice stage unstable platforms character growth saving the world royalty duel melee auto-saving grapple male antagonist in-game map editor instant kill invisible enemy friendly fire betrayal vision obstruction difficulty level in-game achievements nintendo wi-fi connection rock music survival mode respawn floating island evo championship series catapult moving platforms conveyor belt nuclear bomb wii classic controller support villain recurring boss been here before shape-shifting tentacles trophies auto-scrolling levels mii support temporary invincibility vore training mode animation canceling speedrun team deathmatch not-so-bad guys rivals sideways wii remote gameplay game console gliding meme origin androgyny overweight character cross-dressing fan service compact disc finishing move button mashing kidnapping post-match awards invisibility fire manipulation swinging platforms sleeping enemies cutscene menu bots hidden character hammer bros. wiggler acrobatics playable boss close quarters combat random character selection hidden room sudden death micro games platform fighting legendary pokémon professional gaming dead multiplayer fury taste of power easy mode random stage selection gamecube controller support on wii sensory overload infinite pockets motion-sensor bomb friend codes e3 2007 e3 2006 voices in the wii remote soft reset interactive achievement awards 2009 hard mode exclusives wario

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