Shangrlia is a turn-based tactical game. The ten female commanders reside in the castle and can be approached in any order. Each of them transfers the player to a different locatio...
Taisen Idol-Mahjong Final Romance 2 is the second game in the Final Romance series and the first to feature anime style girls instead of digitized photos of real models. It is also...
The second game in the Taisen Hot Gimmick series, with art based on Japanese men's magazine Kairakuten.
A puzzle arcade game with similarities to Lode Runner and billiard games. Created by C's Ware and is a spinoff to many of their earlier titles.
Jan Jaka Jan is a mahjong game in its core, the majority of the gameplay dedicated to mahjong matches (two- as well as four-people) against a variety of opponents. The player can n...
Collect and train over 100 monster girls that come to life in strategic, card-based battles! Strengthen your cards with the First Crush ❤ Rub mode, taking on a hands-on role to war...