The sequel of Epic Adventures, Epic Adventures: Cursed Onboard takes you to a derelict ship stranded in the middle of the Great Amazon jungle. The recently discovered ship set sail...
Jurassic Park Explorer is set on Isla Sorna. The player is tasked with resurrecting dinosaurs by progressing along the game board and completing each of the DVD game's seven mini-g...
NAIRI - это милое графическое приключение с очаровательными визуальными эффектами и в то же время неотразимыми персонажами в мрачном неспокойном мире, которое наверняка порадует лю...
In this thrilling point-and-click adventure based on the works of H.P Lovecraft, you’ll traverse the haunting world of Gothic New England, solving puzzles and acquiring information...
The appearance of the Super Nova of the Crab in the skies has awakened the light half of the force. Ten, descendant of the original Hero of Atlantis, holds within him the key to th...
Help Minha in the hidden object adventure to save her father from the gallows in this 19th century. The epic story is based on Jules Verne’s novel La Jangada. Find evidence and sol...
Известный антрополог Памела Кавендиш возвращается в свой родной город, чтобы столкнуться с трагедией своего детства. Когда ее друг - Ганс - был похищен кошмарной фигурой, никто ей...
Eastern Mind is a point-and-click adventure game about a man named Rin who has lost his soul. Borrowing his friend's soul for 49 days, he goes on a quest to a location known as Ton...
In Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Mummy, you'll be immersed in an incredible adventure full of mysteries and with many developments. Take on the role of the famous detective S...
Потерпев крушение на пустынной, чужой планете, то, что должно было быть обычной работой по найму для Пауэлла, превратилось в смертельно опасную миссию по спасению торгового судна М...
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time is a sequel to The Journeyman Project and The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time. This final installment uses a 360° pre-rendered 3D CGI...
Hidden object puzzle adventure from Brave Giant and Artifex Mundi which stands as the rousing trilogy-opener for the Family Mysteries police drama, evoking a fanciful nostalgia for...
Phonequest is a game about making friends online. You're Sam and you're wasting time on the Internet, home alone. Suddenly, you receive a strange prank call, and a minute later...
We at Northtree Real Estate (in partnership with Optix Dynamix Labs) are proud to present our new, state-of-the-art, open house simulator! Come and take a quick tour of 15615 Hollo...
A horrific retro point and click adventure with combat
После ночи веселья, страсти и слишком большого количества выпивки вы просыпаетесь и обнаруживаете совершенно незнакомого человека, лежащего обнаженным рядом с вами в постели. Имея...
Robinson Crusoe is back in his greatest adventure yet!
Step back into the land of dreams and legends. Embark on an incredible adventure and become immersed in an extraordinary tale of intrigue and mystery. Assume the role of an archaeo...
The most terrifying conspiracy has travelled through the centuries and you have been chosen to go back in time to prevent disaster! You are a Secret Service Agent and you have been...
Princess Isabella: The Rise Of An Heir is a hidden object puzzle adventure game from the creators of Enigmatis and Grim Legends
Это история молодого агента ФБР Николь Боннет. Ее первая задача - раскрыть серию жутких убийств, жертвами которых становятся богатые и видные представители общества. Оружие преступ...
Inviting you to explore a vast deserted island, Myst slowly reveals a haunting storyline involving a series of books that unlock alternate planes of reality. With only your wits as...
Кэрол написала книгу об одном из своих предыдущих приключений. Она вложила в это много труда, но после получения отказов от нескольких издателей ее энтузиазм по отношению к проекту...
A relaxing puzzle escape game! Make your way through a variety of hand-crafted 3D dioramas, look for useful objects, find hidden clues and solve a diversity of fun puzzles! Unravel...
A fright-filled Adventure that transpires in the heart of Transylvania. London 1904. Seven years after the slaying of Dracula, you play as Jonathan Harker, (the protagonist from B...
A two-player cooperative puzzle adventure, that is all about communication. Players have to follow parallel paths, explore a secret laboratory, describe what they see, and work tog...
9 Подсказок 2: Палата - это вторая часть серии казуальных приключений Tap It Games с головоломками со скрытыми предметами, действие которой разворачивается в Америке 1950-х годов,...
Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney is the second non-canon, “what-if” short story scenarios in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice. Apollo Justice and Klavier Gavin acco...