Welcome to a high-octane cyberpunk first-person shooter with RPG elements. You are Lucy, an enhanced street samurai searching for lost memories. Fight yakuza, zombies & robots in l...
An ancient evil has awoken in the depths of a remote mining asteroid, stirred from its slumber by man's lust for power. Unaware, you answer a distress call and become stranded, sur...
The main game takes place in a first-person view inside the complex. Trams connect the maze-like living areas to a handful of manned turrets outside. You must shuttle between shoot...
A first-person shooter where you control a dude who controls a mega-awesome death tank! Woah...
Probe's RoboCop 3 for 8-bit computers combines two different styles of gameplay: the first level is a Operation Wolf-style shooting gallery, while the rest are side-scrolling platf...
Одержимый инопланетной сущностью, руби и рви бесчисленных врагов своими чудовищными когтями, ты должен найти способ сбежать с планеты, прежде чем потеряешь то, что осталось от твое...
Captain Zapp (released in the UK as Flash Gordon, based on the comic hero), is an adventure game for multiple computer systems.
Gunheart - это кооперативный шутер, созданный с нуля для виртуальной реальности. Вы и ваши друзья будете обитать в роботизированных охотниках за головами, пытающихся заработать на...
Quake enthusiasts and the uninitiated alike will revel in the ultimate adrenaline fix with the Quake: The Offering game pack. This specially boxed collection features one of the be...
A mythical beast, a lost generation of scouts, and the strongest brew this side of the wasteland. Welcome to Wild Appalachia – a series of free and all-new quests, features, events...
Use this shotgun in Aliens: Colonial Marines to take down enemies with a blast from the past.
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is a first-person shooter for Nintendo DS developed by EA Tiburon. The player takes the role of an ex-MI6 agent Jack Hunter, who is recruited by Auric Goldfi...
It is the year 2018. Devastating energy shields have appeared in five different places on the earth and are spreading at an incredible rate. There is only one solution: combat the...
Livalink is a first person shooter with a dedicated survival mode in which the player must purchase upgrades and weapons to fend off waves of invading aliens.
Famous for its art design by Aidan Hughes of KMFDM album-cover fame, ZPC is a first person shooter using the Marathon 2 engine. The plot of the game involves the player, a messiah-...
Pick your contracts. Hunt your targets. Collect the bounty. Navigate an ocean of crime and corruption to balance the bloody ecosystem of Necromunda as a merciless hired gun. The m...
Derelict is a first person shooter and a tactical action game inspired by Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels. The player controls a group of 5 space marines in two ways: dir...
Cold Blood is an online story driven coop mod based in the Resident Evil universe. You'll come across many areas from the games, plus a few original areas you'll have never seen be...
In the 21st century, a dreadful virus wiped out millions. The vaccine was found, but at the time the world was engulfed into chaos. A new world order emerged, splitting the world i...
The year is 2012. A team of U.S. scientists returns from Mars with a small, metallic object - the first hard proof that life exist beyond our planet. Rushed to a top secret undergr...
Shadow Squadron is a 3D space combat shooter. The player controls a space fighter in a series of battles against huge enemy ships. There are 2 different types of ships to fly, and...
Wii de Asobu: Metroid Prime 2 (also known as New Play Control! Metroid Prime 2) is a port of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for the Wii, with motion controls compatibility.
Ark: Survival Ascended is a next-generation remaster of our beloved ARK: Survival Evolved, harnessing the power of Unreal Engine 5. The base game will include SOTF and all the Ark:...
F29 Retaliator authors DID developed this particular use of the Robocop license, and produced something different from most film licenses. While it featured a succession of levels...
Star Fox Command lets you hop into your fight through a unique branching storyline of missions, all rendered in gorgeous 3-D. This game brings a whole new strategic element to the...
Panorama Toh (ぱのらま島 Panorama Island), released by Nihon Falcom for the NEC PC-8801 computer in 1983, departed from the standard RPG formula in various ways. It combined RPG ga...
The Odysseus Project is a follow-up to Star Cruiser. Gameplay concept and visual style are very similar to that of the predecessor: it is a first-person 3D shooter with extensive e...
Exact's Geograph Seal, released for the Sharp X68000 computer in 1994, is a precursor to Jumping Flash! Rendered in 3D polygons, it was the earliest first-person shooter with platf...