Bright Memory is a lightning-fast fusion of the FPS and action genres, created by a one-man development studio. Combine a wide variety of skills and abilities to unleash dazzling c...
Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite is a free downloadable content release for Borderlands 3. It is the first in a planned series of Takedowns, special endgame missions designed to c...
Total conversion for Half-Life set in the Half-Life universe shortly after the first game. After accepting G-Man's offer, Gordon Freeman is teleported to different locales on Earth...
Haze - это видеоигра-шутер от первого лица, разработанная Free Radical Design и изданная Ubisoft для PlayStation 3. Он был выпущен по всему миру в мае 2008 года. Релизы для Xbox 36...
Before the future could be won, history had to be written. Exposing that story exclusively on PlayStation Vita, Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified explores original fiction in th...
A first-person shooter where you control a dude who controls a mega-awesome death tank! Woah...
F29 Retaliator authors DID developed this particular use of the Robocop license, and produced something different from most film licenses. While it featured a succession of levels...
Experience the music in a new way. Feel it pulse around you. The Polynomial is a 3D space shooter with unique, mathematical scenery that animates to the music. And this is not some...
Tower of Guns is a fast-paced, bullet-hell, first person shooter with randomized levels and enemies, power ups, epic bosses and tons of unlockable items and weapons. You never know...
A driving/racing game for the NES very loosely based on the television show of the same name. It was developed by Japanese company Pack-in-Video and published in the west by Activi...
Исследуйте и пробивайтесь сквозь разбившийся космический корабль людей, кишащий безжалостными ордами инопланетян, становясь сильнее благодаря захватывающим улучшениям оружия и усил...
Dr. Eddy has been up to no good. To be honest, that seems like most scientists at Black Mesa. You are part of the Black Guard, I suppose that’s like Black Shift, but maybe not. Wi...
Marathon Infinity берет закрытую вселенную серии Marathon и распахивает ее настежь. Одиночная/кооперативная кампания “Кровавые приливы Л'овона” представляет собой 20-уровневый сцен...
Umbrella Corps is an online multiplayer game set in the Resident Evil universe. This fast-paced third-person shooter features quick and intense matches in compact battle zones them...
In 1995, TIE Fighter also received a Collector's CD-ROM. The CD-ROM version offered optional enhanced SVGA graphics, increasing the game's resolution from 320x200 to 640x480. The c...
Livalink is a first person shooter with a dedicated survival mode in which the player must purchase upgrades and weapons to fend off waves of invading aliens.
Midair is a fast-paced jetpack shooter set in a breathtaking new sci-fi universe. Use movement to your advantage, outwit your enemy from every angle, build defenses, and fully cust...
Derelict is a first person shooter and a tactical action game inspired by Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels. The player controls a group of 5 space marines in two ways: dir...
In the 21st century, humankind was freed from the confines of the solar system through the discovery of an alien technology known as Robotech. Contact with the stars also brought w...
Сэр Хаммерлок против the Son of Crawmerax - пятое и последнее дополнение Охотник за головами для Borderlands 2.
In the game the player pilots a starfighter, with the purpose of destroying a number of enemy ships before they destroy four friendly starbases. Gameplay is presented mostly in fir...
Shadow Squadron is a 3D space combat shooter. The player controls a space fighter in a series of battles against huge enemy ships. There are 2 different types of ships to fly, and...
Quake Arena Arcade introduces the definitive, competitive first-person shooter to a new generation of gladiators. Frag up to fifteen of your friends in six game types over Xbox LIV...
Действие происходит на Луне Земли в середине 21 века, в Луне игроки берут на себя роль майора Кейна. Начальник военных операций Организации внеземных столкновений (ETEO), вы и ваша...
Таинственная инопланетная сила угрожает самому человечеству. В этой войне по всей галактике вы командуете сопротивлением. Возглавляя фронт, вы отправляетесь на поле боя в захватыва...
Use this shotgun in Aliens: Colonial Marines to take down enemies with a blast from the past.
Headcrab Frenzy is a free dynamic action Half-Life mod which allows you to quench a desire to destroy these little bouncy critters to your heart's content, hold records, get achiev...
This mod is more of a loose reinterpretation of the Alien and Predator films rather than an accurate adaptation of Prometheus.