Adapted from Tidal Rave's debut album 'Space Pirates for Life,' The game story is a sequel to the song 'Cosmic Butterfly' and begins as follows:
A lone ship dwells in the graveyard orbit...
The Cosmic Butterfly is manned by a small crew of space pirates, they spend their years harvesting gold components from satellites. The 'space gold' is flown to their crew on Earth and used to fund a rebellion against the Earth's wealthiest 1%. The pirates have become a nuisance to the people in power, by regularly hacking their communications satellites, demanding ransoms and encouraging the 99% to rise up and overthrow the ultra-rich. These efforts soon, however, come at a cost...
As there is no jurisdiction and law that governs space, the 1% band together to fund a space fleet, who's only motive is to destroy the Cosmic Butterfly and all of it's crew. Filled with pride, the pirates have no intentions to flee from conflict and so attempt to take on the Earth...