Rewrite is an all-ages rated Japanese visual novel developed by Key. The story follows the life of Kotaro Tennoji, a high school student with superhuman abilities who investigates...
Майами, 1986 год. Чело Мартинес начал частное расследование, чтобы найти пропавших людей. Принимайте трудные решения, раскрывайте дела и находите любовь: но у вас может не хватить...
Amplitude - это визуальный роман, ориентированный на сюжет. Вы играете либо за Адама, либо за Еву, жертву убийства, которая заключила сомнительную сделку, чтобы отомстить. С помощь...
As the summer heat fades, Suoh Shirahane is just one step away from unraveling the mystery of why her beloved Amitie partner left in the spring.
Mothmen 1966 is a 'Pixel Pulp' - a visual novel featuring a fusion of exceptional writing and stunning illustration, inspired by mid-20th century pulp fiction and 80s home computer...
..That’s what everyone thinks. But you might find otherwise.. if you pick the right move. You’re a lawyer, and your client is being accused of abuse. You only have 5 minutes until...
Maboroshi Tsukiyo is a visual novel adventure game that originated on Dreamcast and was ported to PlayStation platform half a year later. The game features fullscreen presentation...
Junpaku no Tenshitachi takes place in a hospital and is a mystery-romance story. The protagonist is a patient, injured due to being trampled by a horse in the beginning.
Their stories are supposed to have been already made, but you can change their fate out of your love as the tale-spinner. How would you like your love story to change? Happy ending...
One mysterious death in the forsaken of God and man tiny peaceful kingdom… Was the King death-sick? Murdered by a conspirator? Cursed? Can you solve the mystery of his death withou...
Reijou Tantei - Office Love Jiken: When a female co-worker commits suicide, it's up to you to find out what really happened.Talk to fellow co-workers to put the pieces of the puzzl...
Café Rouge is an otome visual novel featuring 3+ pursue-able male love interests, 12 side characters, and 7+ hours of gameplay. Follow the story of Isis Black, your typical America...
SoulSet - это визуальный роман в жанре мистики и романтики, в котором вы можете попытаться избежать смерти и наладить отношения как с мужскими, так и с женскими персонажами. Вы игр...
A Clockwork Ley-Line: Flowers Falling in the Morning Mist is the third and last game of UnisonShift Blossom’s magical mystery visual novel series A Clockwork Ley-Line.
Bustafellows Season 2 is an otome visual novel developed and published by eXtend. Everyone wants answers. Who is to blame? What went wrong? And what must the punishment be? To pre...
The third entry in the Hiiro no Kakera series.
Королевство Новус было повергнуто в смятение, и вам решать, поможете ли вы установить мир или будете разжигать пламя хаоса. Окунитесь в мир высоких фантазий, пропитанный политическ...
Charade Maniacs is an otome visual novel full of romance, mystery, and adventure. In the near future... Summer break was around the corner. Hiyori Sena, a sophomore in high schoo...
The city is on fire, and the Devil is to blame - or is it? Two women must solve an occult-themed mystery set in an alternate 1980s while unraveling the secrets of their past. Hunt...
Rewind is a fantasy and mystery story under Shall We Date's Story Jar app.
A mobile dating simulation game where the protagonist, a private investigator by the name of Dell, must recover her memories in an advanced society that treats memories like curren...