Shall we date?: Guard Me, Sherlock! (2016)
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Shall we date?: Guard Me, Sherlock! (2016)

Дата выхода: 04 сентября 2016
Жанры Новелла, Драма, Мистика, Романтика
Платформы Android, iOS, browser

Now included in the Dear Otome app. Guard Me, Sherlock! is a social-based dating simulation game developed and published by NTT Solmare.


You visit the office of the world's greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes, wanting to request him something unique. There, you meet charming men with quite a colorful personality, together with whom you will get involved in various incidents. Solve the mystery of the case and love all in one story!


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

Android 04.09.2016
iOS 04.09.2016
Web browser 04.09.2016


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