Slenderman: Evidences (2021)
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Slenderman: Evidences (2021)

Дата выхода: 23 декабря 2021
Жанры Хоррор, Выживание, От 1-го лица, Инди
Платформы PC

Slenderman is back, and he wants to play. Find 8 pages that have evidence of your innocence and dont look to Slenderman.


Imagine that you and your best friend were camping on a vacation when all of a sudden he starts acting strange. He doesn't stop writing weird things and making weird drawings in his notebook, he always seems to be scared and is always scared when you show him a picture.

On your last day at camp you are awakened with a scream and realize it is your friend's voice. You run to help him, but you can't find him, you run towards where you heard the scream. When you arrive at the place you find your friend dead on the road. You try to help, but it's too late, until a police car appears and arrests you, because they think you murder him.

In court you try to explain what happened, but because of the lack of evidence no one believes you.

It sounds like a crazy story, but that's exactly what happened to Parker Hebert. A man whose vacation was ruined by a false accusation. The case became known as "The Blood Camp Case". Little did they know that the case woul... развернуть


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PC (Microsoft Windows) 23.12.2021



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