Slender: The Haunted Metro (2016)
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Slender: The Haunted Metro (2016)

Дата выхода: 03 апреля 2016
Жанры Хоррор, Шутер, От 1-го лица, Инди
Платформы PC

Slender: The Haunted Metro is a Slenderman-based video game, set in the abandoned metro in a city called Sanville.


Laura - the main character wakes up in the devastated subway and has to collect all of the eight pages in order to escape from that place. Her enemy - Slenderman is chasing her. The more pages she collects the Slender becames even more dangerous. She needs to hide and avoid the direct contact with Slenderman in order to survive!


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 03.04.2016



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