Kansei is an interactive story game produced by SakeVisual, and the sequel to the murder mystery game Jisei. The story follows the journey of a teenager with the ability to relive...
Amaneka is a student of the Empire Junior Academy. Everyone in the country is excited because the 1st International Exhibition will be held there soon. Students of the Empire Junio...
Last Bullet is a Nintendo DS adventure title published by FuRyu (as the first game of the company since its foundation in 2007) that puts players in the role of a young female snip...
Trinoline Genesis continues with all new stories for the original and side heroines of the original Trinoline!
Scarlet Scarf is a visual novel inspired by the legend of Plague Maiden. Dive into the dark mysteries of a dying city with the fate of Sanator Richard Murdock in your hands. Perhap...
Hate your job? You are Nancy, a retail clerk at Megamart. Take control of your life by saying “NO” to incompetent bosses, demanding friends, and delusional customers in the first e...
Loop is an interactive story in which every choice radically changes the story. Your behavior and the bonds you build with the character will drastically affect the outcome. You r...
Tree Trunk Brook is a tiny adventure game about hiking during the pandemic. Follow trail blazes, take photos, make friends, and find lost items. The visitor center is closed, but t...
In the rainy season, the point when we met. It’s you, letting the dark clouds that around me dissipated and turn into sunny days. Therefore, this café is named after the sunny days...
LAST LEGACY is a free-to-play fantasy-romance visual novel with optional paid content from FICTIF GAMES, created by a small team of queer people of color. With branching dialogue...
Magatsu Barai is an all ages battle visual novel from the game brand Light. It will focus not only on serious battles, but also on depicting exhilarating, intense, and enjoyable ba...
Plop down on the couch in your comfiest pajamas, grab a big bowl of cereal, and prepare to enter Kokoro Clover, a 2D platformer inspired by Sunday morning Japanese anime shows of t...
The game takes place in late 19th century France where you, the player, have been transported to from the 21st century. You're stuck in a mansion full of some of the greatest histo...
An exotic love story set in the land of hot sand. The target, who has never truly loved a woman. And the client, who loves women in a twisted way. How will you manage between these...
Empress's Choice is a fancy dress-up game, simulates ancient noble life in imperial palaces. To rejuvenate your family, you enter the palace harem bravely, from an anonymous maid t...
London, 2099. The earth isn't what it used to be anymore. Incredible climate changes have corrupted the weather, causing a permanent rain on most of the Earth's surface. You play t...
Rising Angels: Reborn is a sci-fi visual novel.
Возможность управлять судьбой была бы благословением для многих. Для Мийон это ее величайшее проклятие. Восточная и Западная Тария находятся в конфликте, и сила Мийона будет самым...
Heileen 3 продолжает историю с конца второй игры и разворачивается на Карибских островах. Путешествуя бок о бок с пиратом Морганом, Хейлин будет искать своих пропавших друзей, наде...
A otome game by Matatabi for Vita.
OMGWTFOTL is a very short, thoroughly nonsensical, and superbly manly visual novel. No matter what happens, do NOT genuflect.
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Portable ga Tsuzuku Wake ga Nai is the sequel to the comedy romantic visual novel Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Portable,...
A golden dream, and a closed world. A spiral staircase into the garden of the mind. What lies beyond gilded wonderland?
A DS port of Shin Hisui no Shizuku: Hiiro no Kakera 2. Includes mini-games and a new scenario.
Inuwashi is an adventure game set in Ikebukuro, where a police detective with the special ability to read people’s minds and a private eye who resides in an removed area of Ikebuku...
Play as Nadeshiko Kagamihara and Rin Shima, and enjoy a branching story where the contents of the camp greatly change depending on what story to choose.