The story follows Minato Ikusa, who infiltrates Yuriai Private Academy – a school whose student body consists of 99% women – to save his sister Marika who has fallen into a coma after being involved in an incident at the academy, which Yuriai tries to cover up. To do so, he takes his cousin Akira's place at the school while she stays at home, and enrolls as a female student under the name Erika; he additionally attends the school on the boys' side as Minato, living a double life. At the school, there is an organization known as the Four Princesses, which wields considerable influence; Ikusa aims to get a seat in the organization to investigate the incident his sister was involved in, and as such must work toward becoming the most beautiful woman in the school and winning the princess election, overcoming the other candidates and the current Four Princesses. Akira, who is very knowledgeable in male-to-female cross-dressing, helps Ikusa with this, training him in "cross-dressing skills"....