Shaman (2021)
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Shaman (2021)

Дата выхода: 17 сентября 2021
Жанры Приключения, От 3-го лица, Экшен
Платформы PC

Shaman is a third-person action-adventure game where you assume the role of a young Shaman amidst a great cataclysm. Seek out the ancient secrets of your people and gain the ability to Shapeshift into the mighty Jaguar, cast fireballs and incinerate your foes, and unlock the ability to lift objects at a distance.


It is a time of great strife, your people massacred and forced from their land. The elder Shamans have been hunted to extinction and your very way of life at risk to becoming just another tale to be forgotten. Learn to listen to the spirits of the world, and allow them to guide you through the world. Answer the call of the Shaman and become the hero of your people.


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 17.09.2021



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