8.4 Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (2012)
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Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (2012)

Shadow of the Colossus HD / SotC HD PS3 / Wanda and the Colossus HD

In a desolate land where beasts as big as mountains roam free, a lone hero and his horse must ride into the unknown on a quest for ancient power. Shadow of the Colossus, an undisputed PlayStation 2 masterpiece, is about to be reborn with the power of PlayStation 3.


One cloudy night, a lone hawk flies by two longtime companions - Wander and his horse Agro - navigating an unforgiving cliffside path on the edge of a canyon. The two have been traveling for a long time on this offbeat path, through murky forests and wet grasslands alike.

They arrive at last at their destination: a tall stone gate with a narrow passage. On the other side lies an enormous bridge of near-otherworldly construction. The bridge spans over the Forbidden Lands, a dramatic landscape of plains and canyons with enclosed and cut-off environments ranging from arid deserts to clefts with tall geysers to dark forests and murky crevasses.

The bridge finally comes to an end at the Shrine of Worship, a gigantic structure in the middle of the Lands. Wander and Agro make their way to the ground floor and the temple's main hall, which is lined with sixteen stone idols. At the end of the empty hall is an altar. Here it is shown that Wander is carrying something wi... развернуть


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PlayStation 3 12.01.2012


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