You play a university student named Fuji Touya. Your long-term girlfriend, Morikawa Yuki, is starting to become a very popular idol singer. Unfortunately, her popularity begins to...
White Album: Memories like Falling Snow is a story of love in many forms. Will a couple cling together, or drift apart on the cold wind? The album of their relationship will be as...
White Album 2: Mini After Story is a Japanese adult visual novel, taking place in the same setting as its predecessor with approximately ten years having been elapsed since the eve...
White Album 2 is a Japanese adult visual novel, taking place in the same setting as its predecessor with approximately ten years having been elapsed since the events of the first W...
The cold breeze chilled me to the bone, a singing voice reached my ear- That frozen song from 3 years ago, It once echoed in the classroom, in the empty cafeteria, in the silent c...