Victorious Boxers: Revolution is a challenging, intense boxing title for the Wii. The first dedicated boxing title for the Wii, this game makes full use of its unique motion-contro...
This game is based on the boxing Manga and Anime series Hajime no Ippo created by Jyoji George Morikawa. It was released only in Japan. The story focuses heavily on character deve...
Developed by legendary Japanese developer Treasure, Hajime no Ippo is another solid boxing game based on the popular Japanese manga and anime of the same name. Unlike the two Victo...
Tape up your hands, pull on your gloves and get ready to go toe-to-toe with some of the most accomplished boxers you're ever likely to meet. Victorious Boxers places you directly i...
Boxing manga/anime franchise Hajime no Ippo returns for the PS3.
Victorious Road is the sequel to Victorious Boxers. Unlike its predecessor and successor, this installment did not see release outside of Japan.
The follow-up to Victorious Boxers features a new coach fighter-creation mode and a whole training gym's worth of new moves and boxers.