Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal is a dungeon crawler role-playing video game and the sequel to To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers within the To Heart franchise...
Following her graduation from middle school, Konomi Yuzuhara enters the same high school as Takāki Kono, her childhood friend. As the new school year begins, they meet their childh...
To Heart 2 Portable is a port of the 2004 visual novel for the PlayStation Portable.
ToHeart Portable is a port of the 1999 remake of the game for the Playstation Portable.
ToHeart PSE is a port of the 1999 remake of the game for Windows.
To Heart is a romance visual novel and the third entry into the Leaf Visual Novel Series, in which you play a high school student named Fujita Hiroyuki and try to win the heart of...
To Heart 2: Another Days is a spin-off from To Heart 2, taking place sometime after the events of the original game, its main storyline allows the player to pursue seven heroines c...