Nearly 30 years after the debut of The Settlers, the legendary build-up real-time strategy series returns to Windows PC. Forced to leave their homelands after a devastating earthq...
Выберите свой собственный путь к победе в The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom, долгожданном продолжении отмеченной наградами стратегической игры. Отправляйтесь в захватывающий квест...
The gods may be crazy! First the Almighty He, the highest of all the gods, sends Jupiter, Horus, and Ch'ih-Yu off into an extremely arduous competition simply on account of some oc...
The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici is a real-time strategy computer game, released by Blue Byte Software in 1996. Its gameplay is very similar to that of its predecessor, The Settle...
В The Settlers - Rise of an Empire игроки строят оживленные, шумные города в средневековом мире. Все в этом богато детализированном, реалистичном мире видно и с любовью анимировано...
The Settlers: Heritage of Kings is a 2005 real-time strategy game. It is the fifth installment of The Settlers series. The game tells the story of a young prince, Dario, who must r...
The Settlers II: 10th Anniversary is a remake of the original The Settlers II game. It features updated graphics and a slghtly altered gameplay.
The Romans, the Mayans, the Vikings, and the Trojans are the four industrious little races you'll be settling with. The seamless zoom function allows you to take a close-up peek as...
A strategy game with cartoony graphics and an innocent line in humour. At the start of the level you choose a starting point, the intention being to get lots of flat land as well a...
Mission CD features three new eight-mission single-player campaigns, ten new maps for single-player mode, ten new maps for multiplayer mode, enhanced AI for computer controlled rac...
The Nintendo DS version of Settlers 2 (ported from the Gold Edition).
Online browser based sequel to the Settler's series.