The Joy of Creation: Ignited Collection is an upcoming bundle developed by Nikson. The collection includes complete remakes of two The Joy of Creation games, including Reborn and S...
This is a FNaF fan-game, inspired by the fourth installment and by The Boogeyman video game. Can you hear them calling out your name in the darkness? Their own screams once gave...
The Joy of Creation: Reborn was a free-roam survival horror video game that was being remade from the ground up for the Fazbear Fanverse, Including new assets, new gameplay, new ev...
The Joy of Creation: Classic was a point and click survival horror video game that was being remade from the ground up for the Fazbear Fanverse, Including new assets, new gameplay,...
The classic Five Nights at Freddy’s fan-game returns, rebuilt from the ground up to offer a modern and immersive horror experience with real-time graphics powered by Unreal Engine...