First entry in the 4th Unit franchise. Yuusuke, a common boy back from school, finds a naked girl in the forest while searching for his hidden bike. She is amnesic and only remembe...
Dual Targets is the 3rd entry in the 4th Unit series. Three months have passed since the destruction of the oceanic base of the criminal organization WWWF. One day, Blon-Win and A...
The 2nd game in the 4th Unit series. The young and pretty bionic soldier Blon-Win has exposed the dark schemes of the trade organization WWWF. However, a new conspiracy is rising....
Zero is the fourth 4th Unit game. Only a few days have passed since the andoird assaults and the shocking encounter with Blon-Win's clone. The Unified Force gathers all its resour...
D-Again is the fifth 4th Unit game. The criminal trade organization WWWF was finally defeated. The bionic soldier Blon-Win is appointed a high-ranked inspector and sent on a missi...
The 4th Wall is an surreal horror puzzle game by GZ Storm. It was designed specifically to prey on the phobias of Youtube LPer AzuriteReaction.