The game takes place in the world of Fillujah, a world where all people have their own flying companion creature. The core three members of the cast (Raj, Amu, and Ist) are the pri...
Summon Night 3 is a Japanese tactical RPG and the third entry in the Summon Night series. The game follows the male main protagonist Rexx and the female protagonist Aty. As with ot...
Summon Night 5 is a tactical role-playing game in the Summon Night series of games. The game involves the player moving characters in a turn based fashion across a large grid from...
В Summon Night: Swordcraft 2 игрок - сирота из клана Colthearts, воспитанный рыцарем-ремесленником (кузнецом/воином). Персонаж также стремится стать рыцарем-ремесленником. Персонаж...
Summon Night Ex-These is a spin-off of the Summon Night series, released for the Playstation 2 on August 4, 2005 . The player takes control of Leonus & Ainna, two adventurers that...
Summon Night 4 is a Japanese tactical RPG and the last entry in the Summon Night series developed by Flight Plan. The plot in this game focus on a parent/child relationship.
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story is an RPG set in the strange world of Lyndbaum, a sacred land linked to four magical dimensions from which Summoners can call forth spirits called Gu...
Summon Night is a Japanese tactical RPG and the first entry in the Summon Night series. This game follows the story of a Japanese high schooler, who is suddenly summoned into the w...
Summon Night 2 is a Japanese tactical RPG and the second entry in the Summon Night series. The story follows a young Summoner apprentice of the Blue faction, who has to go on a jou...
Summon Night X - традиционная пошаговая RPG, ее выпуск приурочен к 10-летию серии Summon Night.
Summon Night Craft Sword Monogatari: Hajimari no Ishi is a Role-Playing game, developed by Flight-Plan and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 2005.
Summon Night Gran-These: Horobi no Tsurugi to Yakusoku no Kishi is a Role-Playing game, developed by Flight-Plan and published by Bandai Namco Games, which was released in Japan in...