Sonic Adventure is a 3D platformer video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. The player can control six characters from the Sonic universe, each with their own gameplay and poin...
Sonic Adventure 2 is the sequel to Sonic Adventure. It was the final Sonic game for the Dreamcast after Sega discontinued the console. Two new playable characters were introduced,...
Sonic Adventure 2, несмотря на то, что у него такое же название, на самом деле это ремастер оригинальной Sonic Adventure 2, с обновленной графикой и ресурсами из Sonic Adventure 2:...
DLC for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade versions of Sonic Adventure. It restores the ability to play as Metal Sonic and the Mission Mode from Sonic Adventure DX: Direc...
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is a DLC for Sonic Adventure 2 (2012). It adds the extra content of the GameCube game Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, such as new playable characters in the Ba...
Sonic Adventure is an HD port of Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. This version was released on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. Some features of Director's Cut didn't m...
An ancient evil lurking within the Master Emerald has been unleashed from its slumber by the devious Dr. Eggman and is on the verge of becoming the ultimate monster using the 7 Cha...
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is a complete conversion of Sonic Adventure 2 from the Dreamcast with additional features. Exclusive to the Gamecube are improved visuals, new 2 player ba...
Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut, although it has the same name as the GameCube and PC expanded version of the original Dreamcast game, is actually a bundle with both the game re...