Flood is a side-scrolling platformer in which the player takes control of Quiffy, a strange amphibious creature, on his quest to stop the flooding of his underground world. The gam...
In Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, someone has brought the costumes belonging to Scoobys greatest nemesis to life and now they are threatening all of Coolsville. Join Scooby, Sha...
Have fun with Scooby doo while learning Logic, maths and vocabulary skills.
Like wow! Scooby and the gang face off against some all-time classic villains, including The Witch Doctor, The Black Knight, and The Snow Ghost. Help guide Scooby and the gang thro...
Scooby-Doo: Showdown in Ghost Town is the first in a series of educational point and click video games by The Learning Company.
Join the Scooby gang as they try to solve the mystery of Spooky Island. Players will roam the movie locations in search of clues, solving a series of small mysteries as they work t...
Scooby-Doo: Jinx at the Sphinx is yet another entry in the educational Scooby-Doo point and click adventure game series by The Learning Company.
You control Scooby as he chases ghosts through a maze while himself being chased by the skull & crossbones. If three ghosts are caught within a time-limit, the skull will disappear...
Scooby-Doo solves a mystery and fun puzzles in this computer game aimed at younger players.
Scooby-Doo: Phantom of the Knight is an educational point and click adventure game, developed for young children (ages 5-10).