Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities, in the original game of strategy and world domination! Play with the classic rules or reign supreme with objective-based an...
Ведите свои войска к победе с помощью Risk Urban Assault! В постапокалиптическом мире соберите свои армии и маршируйте по самым известным городам земного шара. От Шанхая до Нью-Йор...
The year is 1812. Napoleon's army is on the march, and it's every empire for itself. As Supreme Commander, you'll seize territories, crush your enemies, and betray your allies in a...
Draft! Attack! Fortify! Play the original game of strategy and world domination - now for PC. Enjoy the classic look and fun of Risk in an exciting new interactive experience. Play...
Все хотят править миром! Теперь вы можете по-новому сыграть в классическую риск-игру. Защищайте свои территории, набирайте войска и начинайте атаки для окончательного завоевания др...
Take on master military strategists like Napoleon, Washington, Bolivar, Catherine the Great and more in a worldwide campaign for total world domination.
Risk: The Game of Global Domination is the computerized version of the popular world-conquest board game Risk. This version brings the game to life though animation and graphics, a...