Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel, also known as Neon Genesis Evangelion: Iron Maiden, is a video game based on the Gainax anime/manga series Neon Genesis Evangelion, re...
The game features a total of 24 characters from the series, both Eva units and Angels, from Neon Genesis Evangelion battling each other in an all-out royale. The game is a side-scr...
The first Evangelion video game, released for the Sega Saturn in 1996, shortly after the TV series's run. The story is set after the episode ASUKA STRIKES!, with Shinji badly injur...
Based on the first two Neon Genesis Evangelion Rebuild movies. Evangelion: Jo was only released in Japan for the PSP
News program starring Neon Genesis Evangelion character Misato Katsuragi.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン鋼鉄のガールフレンド 2nd Shinseiki Evangerion Kōtetsu no Gārufurendo 2nd, lit. Neon Genesis Evangelion Girlf...
This game is an interactive adaptation of Neon Genesis Evangelion for N64. Called Shinseki Evangelion in Japan, the Gainax-produced anime series originally aired from October '95 t...
Detective Evangelion (Meitantei Evangelion), an adventure/strategy PS2 game published by Broccoli, follows Shinji Ikari, a detective hired by Nerv, as he attempts to uncover the tr...
This Evangelion-themed Pachi game was released for PlayStation 3.
An RPG/adventure retelling the end of the Evangelion storyline, introducing the new characters NERV investigator Kenzaki Kyouya and dummy-plug research scientist Kaga Hitomi. In t...
CR Shinseiki Evangelion: Shito, Futatabi is the twelfth release in the Hisshou Pachinko * Pachi-Slot Kouryaku series.