Jackass: The Game is a video game based on the television series Jackass. Play through 35 unique scenarios to virtually experience Jackass stunts too extreme for even their wildest...
There are music-mixing computer programs that cost thousands of dollars, but none of them are this fun. You chose your rhythm tracks, bass lines, guitar riffs, and triangle hits in...
Club Dead is a FMV-based adventure game. Set in a futuristic hotel, you must solve a rash of murders and crimes.
MTV SPORTS: T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX puts the action of riding a stunt BMX bike in the palm of your hand. The game offers six different professional riders: T.J. Lavin, Fuzzy Hall...
MTV Sports: Snowboarding is an extreme sports game where you have to perform tricks on your snowboard. You can opt to play with one of six different boarders, with each their own a...
A skateboarding game with similar controls to the classic Tony Hawk games. This game however has a stunt mode.
MTV Sports: Pure Ride is a Sports game, developed by Visual Impact and published by THQ, which was released in 2000.