The first installment in Sega's MJ series of Riichi Mahjong arcade games. Although the game initially only supported local play with linked cabinets, it would later be updated in 2...
The fourth entry in Sega's MJ series of arcade games. Most notably, this installment adds a Sanma (3 Player) league, a training mode, and an improved 16:9 Live terminal. It receive...
The sequel to Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ, and the second overall entry in Sega's MJ series of Riichi Mahjong arcade games. This game had a higher focus on online play than its pred...
The third entry in Sega's MJ series of Riichi Mahjong arcade games. This entry adds a Jansou Mode where you can bet your gold to potentially earn more, as well as general enhanceme...
A home version of Sega's MJ series of arcade mahjong games for PC and mobile devices, released in 2013 in Japan. Notable features include a gacha system for acquiring new character...