Виртуальная игра-скалолазание / платформер, которая дает вам свободу перемещаться по окружающей среде со сверхчеловеческими способностями. Пройдите более 30 уровней с новыми препят...
Touring Karts максимально использует возможности виртуальной реальности, изобретая гонки типа картинга посреди хаоса, полного действий и сюрпризов.
Microsoft Hearts is a computer game included with Microsoft Windows, based on a card game with the same name. It was first introduced in Windows 3.1 in 1992, and has since been inc...
A visceral, jetpack-fueled VR Arcade Shooter where you fly through deadly Orbital Arenas in HOSTILE SPACE, facing off in extreme battles!
Microsoft FreeCell is a computer game included in Microsoft Windows, based on a card game with the same name. Microsoft has included a FreeCell computer game with every release of...
The mouse must stay alive and trap all the cats using the movable blocks.
Very much a snake game, Rattler Race adds a few twists to the long-held conventions of the genre (those being: you guide a snake from a top-down perspective, always in forward moti...
JigSawed is a puzzle video game developed by Tito Messerli and published by Microsoft in Microsoft Entertainment Pack 2 for PC in 1991. The game is a simple jigsaw puzzle, only it...