Magical Taluluto-kun is a 1992 action game for the Sega Mega Drive by Sega and Game Freak to tie into Tatsuya Egawa's/Shueisha's Magical Taruruuto-kun manga, which had been recentl...
Fifth grader Edojou Honmaru is one of the most trodden-upon losers in his class, until he meets Magical Taluluto-kun. Taluluto's powers help him deal with all his hardships, such a...
A cute-em-up released in 1991 for the Sega Game Gear, developed by Tsukuda Ideal. It is based on the anime series and manga of the same name.
Fifth grader Edojou Honmaru is one of the most trodden-upon losers in his class, until he meets Magical Taluluto-kun. Taluluto's powers help him deal with all his hardships, such a...
To save the kidnapped Iyona-chan, Talututo-kun teams up with Mimora and Honmaru and go on a magical adventure. Each character has their own special abilities, so they must work tog...
Taluluto must cross levels in five worlds to reach and defeat Raivar to save Honmaru's girlfriend Iyona. Use the many powerups and the assistance from Magical Taluluto's friends to...