Kishin Douji Zenki FX: Vajra Fight is based on the manga Kishin Douji Zenki by Kikuhide Tani. Once upon a time the Japanese priest Enno has fought and defeated the demon lord Zenki...
An action game published by Hudson in 1995, based on the popular manga series Kishin Douji Zenki of the early to mid 90s.
Licensed Super Famicom anime game that features two distinct modes: an active time battle RPG combat mode and a 2D side-scrolling platformer.
Card battle board game published by Hudson in 1996. It is the third and final Super Famicom game based on the Kishin Douji Zenki anime.
Enno Ozuno, Master of the Enno temple used the demon guardian spirit Zenki to defeat the demon goddess Karuma. After defeating Karuma, he later sealed Zenki away in a pillar until...