Play as man. Play as Kong. Embark on an epic adventure created in collaboration with Academy Award-winning director Peter Jackson and based on the Universal Pictures' film. Surviv...
Rescue the lady from King Kong's clutches atop the Empire State Building. You must climb to the top of the building while avoiding (jumping) the bombs King Kong is throwing at you....
Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World is an action/adventure video game developed by Ubisoft for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. In Europe, it is known as King Kong: The Official Game o...
A giant ape King Kong, which was shot and fell off the World Trade Center tower, appears to be alive, but is in coma for 10 years and desperately needs a blood transfusion in order...
Ikari no Megaton Punch is based on the movie King Kong Lives (called King Kong 2 in Japan). The player takes control of King Kong in a quest to rescue Lady Kong from evil forces. T...
Discover the Siren Islands, an untamed territory filled with monsters. Become a Titan Chaser to unravel the mysteries surrounding the Titan this 4X MMO strategy game. Are you ready...
Embark on a 3rd person action-adventure quest to avenge the death of your parents at the hands of the ultimate alpha predator: Gaw. Conquer waves of primal beasts and defeat the mi...
When giant monsters fight, no one’s safe. Embark on a thrilling quest of survival in a city that’s become a battleground for Titans. Use the lethal strength of Kong and other monst...