Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble, is a Japanese fighting game developed by Eighting and Bandai Namco Entertainment exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. Serving as the sequel to Kamen R...
Kamen Rider Club: Gekitotsu Shocker Land is an action adventure game developed for the Famicom and published by Bandai in Japan on February 3, 1988. It is based on Bandai's Kamen R...
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes is a 3D crossover fighting game featuring the heroes of 10 different Kamen Rider TV series, from Kuuga through to Decade. The story is set in the Decade...
Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis is an upcoming Japanese action game based on the long-running Kamen Rider tokusatsu superhero television series. The game is described as a dramat...
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes Fourze is a Japanese fighting game developed by Eighting and Bandai Namco Entertainment for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo Wii. Serving as the seq...
Kamen Rider is a beat 'em up developed by Sun L and published by Bandai for the Super Famicom platform. It is based on the Kamen Rider tokusatsu TV show, specifically the very firs...
Collect special Kamen Rider figurines and place them upon a portal to summon them in this fast-paced brawler.
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes OOO is a Japanese fighting game developed by Eighting and Bandai Namco Entertainment for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo Wii. Serving as the sequel...
Kamen Rider returns to the fighting game genre after a brief absence.
Kamen Rider: Seigi no Keifu (仮面ライダー -正義の系譜-) is a Beat 'em up video game published by Banpresto released on November 27, 2003 for the Sony PlayStation 2.
All over the city, innocent people are being mysteriously abducted, never to be seen again. During his investigations of these incidents, Shinji Kido – an intern at the online news...
Kamen Rider 555 is a game which released on December 18, 2003 in Japan by Bandai. It was an action game which featured many of the characters from the TV series. There were several...
The 2012 entry of the Climax Heroes series. The controls and mechanics have been revamped, with playstyles similar to a free-roam Marvel vs Capcom. Several tertiary Riders were add...
Play as all 13 Kamen Riders from the Kamen Rider Dragon Knight TV series, each with their own unique Contract Beasts, Advent cards, and special abilities. More than 65 exciting mis...
This game was announced in the October 8, 2009 issue of Weekly Famitsu and was released only in Japan. It features Kamen Rider Double from Kamen Rider W, which premiered after the...
The Masked Rider is a Japanese super hero, a man who has become genetically altered to be a man/grasshopper who rides a motorcycle. This FMV game adapts scenes from the movie Mask...
Long ago, the Gurongi Tribe terrorized the Linto until a warrior named Kuuga appeared and defeated the Gurongi, sealing their leader within a cave. In present day, a multi-talented...
Shiro Kazami accidentally witnesses a murder by the evil organization Destron, making him their next target. When he returned home, he finds his family being murdered by the Hasami...
A Bandai developed PlayStation 2 action game entry into the longrunning series of Kamen Rider video games, featuring the characters from the 2005 TV series Kamen Rider Hibiki.
Kamen Rider is a one-on-one fighting game based on the original incarnation of the long-running tokusatsu television show.
A man named Shouichi Tsugami has lost his memories. He doesn't know who he is, where he came from, or how he came upon his peculiar circumstances. Tsugami, seemingly for no reason...
The Great Battle VI is an entry in Banpresto’s Compati Hero series, a crossover action game title involving the characters from Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and Mobile Suit Gundam.
A platformer starring characters from the Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Gundam, and Metal Heroes universes.
Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbaride Card Battle Taisen is a modified port of the arcade game Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbaride.
Kamen Rider Ghost: Game de Kaigan!! is a brawler/driving game based on the television show Kamen Rider Ghost.