The game stars the brother of Ninja-kun (from Ninja-Kid). Princess Sakura has been kidnapped by Damazu-Dayuu, and because Ninja-Kun is away on a journey, the task falls to young Ja...
Take JaJaMaru and Shizuha against treacherous forces to rescue Princess Sakura.
A new Ninja JaJaMaru-kun game being released in the series collection, planned for release by the end of 2019 in Japan.
The Master Traveler takes on the Monsters of the World. Play as the ninja Maru in this action-packed side-scrolling game that will take you on a journey across the world. While Ma...
JaJaMaru Ninpou Chou is a ninja themed role-playing game. Play as Jajamaru and Princess Sakura as you explore around a world map visiting towns and dungeons. Fight against random e...
JaJaMaru Gekimaden is an action role-playing game, with gameplay similar to The Legend of the Zelda. Players control the protagonist character through towns, dungeons, and a world...
A new game in the Ninja JaJaMaru series, with updated mechanics.
A collection containing 5 Famicom games along with a new entry in the Ninja JaJaMaru-kun series.
Ganso JaJaMaru-kun is a remake of the video game Ninja JaJaMaru-kun released in Japan on April 15, 1999 by Jaleco for the WonderSwan. It is an enhanced version of the original Fami...