Icewind Dale II is a captivating role-playing game developed by Black Isle Studios, released in 2002 as the sequel to the acclaimed Icewind Dale. Set in the Forgotten Realms univer...
В самых северных пределах Забытых Королевств лежит замерзший и необузданный регион, известный как Долина Ледяного Ветра. Отправляйтесь вглубь хребтов Мировых гор, суровой и неумоли...
Trials of the Luremaster is a free expansion released by Black Isle Studios for Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter. It was a response to the criticism that Heart of Winter was too short...
Includes the original game, the expansion pack Heart of Winter, and the free downloadable add-on for the expansion pack, Trials of the Luremaster.
Heart of Winter is an expansion pack to Icewind Dale, and allows your characters to continue their adventures in the snow-swept north of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Usin...