Black Isle Studios is pleased to bring to you Icewind Dale II, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Icewind Dale, and is set thirty years after the original game. Using the Dung...
В самых северных пределах Забытых Королевств лежит замерзший и необузданный регион, известный как Долина Ледяного Ветра. Отправляйтесь вглубь хребтов Мировых гор, суровой и неумоли...
Trials of the Luremaster is a free expansion released by Black Isle Studios for Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter. It was a response to the criticism that Heart of Winter was too short...
Includes the original game, the expansion pack Heart of Winter, and the free downloadable add-on for the expansion pack, Trials of the Luremaster.
Heart of Winter is an expansion pack to Icewind Dale, and allows your characters to continue their adventures in the snow-swept north of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Usin...