An unexpected collaboration from Tsugunohi, the game where horror invades daily life, and VTuber Inugami Korone, from VTuber group hololive. Inugami Korone, who has been live strea...
This is the summer story of Aqua - a beginning maid carrying a secret - and her master (the player) who lost part of his memory. This is the pure summer love story of two individua...
Пробивайтесь сквозь бесконечные волны приспешников голокса! Вооружитесь всевозможным снаряжением и предметами в этой динамичной игре в жанре «избей всех», чтобы добраться до пяти б...
The day has finally come. The day that will determine on whether or not you'll be accepted as a reporter in hololive. And not just any reporter, but the exclusive reporter for Kure...
A VTuber from hololive DEV_IS, Juufuutei Raden from ReGLOSS, will guide you through a museum as the curator. The entire game world, including Curator Raden and the museum, is depic...