Вложите свой меч в ножны, достаньте колоду и приготовьтесь к Hearthstone - быстро развивающейся стратегической карточной игре, которая проста в освоении и невероятно увлекательна....
Galakrond’s Awakening is the final solo adventure in the Year of the Dragon and will conclude the saga that began with The Dalaran Heist. When we last left our heroes and villains,...
Follow the story of Aranna Starseeker (Elise Starseeker’s crafty younger sister) as she embarks on a thrilling journey of self-discovery, assembling a motley crew of outcasts and t...
Set in the bustling, lawless port city of Gadgetzan, the expansion features characters from the city's three ruling crime families - the brutish Grimy Goons, the shadowy assassins...
This sinister expansion revolves around the dark influence of the Old Gods, ancient and unspeakably evil creatures that have long lain hidden, imprisoned in the dark places of the...
Beyond the Dark Portal, the shattered world of Outland awaits, recently conquered by the Rusted Legion who left a desolate wasteland in their wake. Now, the denizens scavenge to su...
Can you feel it? That electric tension on the wind, the reek of ozone and Khorium, the distant rumble of explosions; there’s science in the air! Word around the inn is that Dr. Boo...
Curse of Naxxramas is Hearthstone's first adventure. Set in the Scourge necropolis of Naxxramas, Curse of Naxxramas is a five-wing adventure, with each wing representing one of th...
The Land Where Monsters Live! I have plotted a route through a number of promising locales for wildlife observation. 10 New Cards Per Class 45 New Neutral Cards New
The Grand Tournament is Hearthstone's second expansion, launched August 24th, 2015. With more than 130 new cards, the expansion features a strong theme of Hero Power-related effect...
An icy wind howls outside the inn's walls, but the chill you feel crawling up your spine has little to do with the bitter cold. No deck is safe from the Lich King's evil influence;...
Rastakhan, king of the Zandalari, ruler of the great troll empire, is calling on trolls from all over Azeroth: come witness the greatest contest of skill, strength, and cunning the...
Scholomance Academy is Hearthstone's fifteenth expansion, featuring 135 new collectible cards. Set in the magical school of Scholomance, run by headmaster Kel'Thuzad at a time bef...
Blackrock Mountain is Hearthstone's second adventure. Home to Ragnaros the Firelord and his fire elementals, Nefarian and the black dragonflight, and an army of Dark Iron dwarves,...
One Night in Karazhan is Hearthstone's fourth adventure. The adventure features 13 bosses, spread across four wings (plus a free introductory encounter), as well as a more challen...
Saviors of Uldum is Hearthstone's twelfth expansion. Featuring 135 new collectible cards, it was released on August 6, 2019. Following the League of E.V.I.L.'s successful theft of...
Hearthstone: Titans is the 24th major expansion to Hearthstone, introducing powerful Titans, Legendary Keepers and upgradeable Forge cards. Titans introduces 145 new cards to Heart...
Treasure Awaits in the Depths Drawn by tales of untold riches, you have gathered a party of bold adventurers to find fortune in the catacombs. Now, shadows dance as your torches f...
The League of Explorers is Hearthstone's third adventure. The adventure contains 4 wings, with 13 boss encounters, as well as a Heroic mode and 9 Class Challenges. In addition to...
Forged in the Barrens will launch worldwide with 135 new collectible cards! Set in the dusty savannah territory of the Barrens, a literal crossroads where tauren, troll, and orc a...