Heracles no Eikou III: Kamigami no Chinmoku is the third installment of the series. Originally released for the Super Famicom, it was released on the Japanese Virtual Console in 20...
Heracles no Eikou: Toujin Makyou-den is a Role-Playing game, published by Data East, which was released in Japan in 1987.
You join your friends Plato and Epipha from the mythical city of Atlantis. Their fine professor has been researching possibilities of ever lasting life. Soon after the game begins,...
This Dragon Quest-styled game unfolds in ancient Greece, where the hero must traverse the land and do battle with great beasts and monsters of mythology! This game is part of a lar...
Heracles no Eikou: Ugokidashita Kamigami is a spin-off entry in the Glory of Heracles series for the Gameboy and is a direct continuation of the first game. The title was developed...