Fatal Frame is the first game of the Fatal Frame series, introducing the franchise's unique premise of fighting ghosts with a special camera. Fatal Frame was the first to introduc...
Crimson Butterfly is the second installment in the Fatal Frame series, although not a direct sequel to the first title, Fatal Frame. The story follows twin sisters Mio and Mayu as...
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water - видеоигра в жанре хоррор на выживание, разработанная Koei Tecmo и изданная Nintendo для Wii U. Пятая основная запись в серии Fatal Frame, она б...
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir introduces a mysterious girl named Maya who has been hiding in the shadows of an old house. Players must help Maya break free from a terrifying cur...
Испытайте весь ужас оригинальной FATAL FRAME: Maiden of BlackWater с новыми переработанными визуальными эффектами, новыми костюмами и функциями фоторежима. Основное приключение сос...
When the protagonists were children, they visited the isolated island of Rogetsu Isle to celebrate the Rogetsu Festival. In the midst of the celebrations, they suddenly disappeared...
Ten years ago, a suspected serial killer has kidnapped five girls from a sanatorium located on Rogetsu Island in Japan. The detective Choshiro Kirishima eventually succeeded in pur...
Fatal Frame is an enhanced port of the original PS2 game. It includes the following upgrades and additions: - A new ending - 11 new ghosts - New unlockable costumes - A new diffic...