Четыре столетия детализированной истории оживают в классической большой стратегической игре Paradox. Возглавьте любую нацию от Ренессанса до революции в сложной симуляции раннего с...
Based on a French board game of the same name, Europa Universalis allows players to take control of a civilization between 1492 and 1792
Europa Universalis III глубоко погружается в области разведки, торговли, ведения войны и дипломатии. Эта эпическая стратегическая игра позволяет игрокам взять под контроль нацию и...
Europa Universalis II invites you to a global struggle for supremacy from the dark times of Jeanne D'Arc to the flaming wars of Napoleon. As the leader of a country you have to gui...
Discover new ways to expand your empire in this expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s flagship game about the early modern era. Europa Universalis IV: Emperor brings new depth...
Based on the Europa Universalis engine, Crown of the North takes place in the years between 1275 and 1340 in a time where Sweden is about to launch into its only civil war. Play as...
A remade version of Europa Universalis 2 with new ideas from the fans and an emphasis on History and more modding ability.
Winds of Change makes wide-ranging changes to twenty nations stretching from the Andean highlands to the vast steppes of Mongolia. There are many new branching missions, government...
Conquest of Paradise focuses on the New World. It adds an expansion to the mechanics of tribal nations, most prominently Native American ones. It also adds a random new world gener...