Earth Defense Force 2025 - это долгожданное продолжение серии Earth Defense Force (EDF) от японского разработчика Sandlot. Насекомые возвращаются из спячки, чтобы покончить с челов...
The EDF series moves away from its traditional series and into new territory with this new project. Developed by YUKE'S, with a theme song by Takashi Niigaki and creatures designed...
Встаньте и сражайтесь за человечество. Действие этого аркадного шутера разворачивается в 2022 году, когда Силы обороны Земли отбивают тотальную атаку неизвестных форм жизни. Станьт...
Тысячи гигантских насекомых и инопланетян снова опустошают землю, и только Силы обороны Земли могут остановить их. Защитите город Нью-Детройт от нашествия, более масштабного и подл...
Earth Defense Force 6 — шестая основная игра в серии Earth Defense Force и прямое продолжение Earth Defense Force 5, действие которой происходит через три года после завершения это...
Unlike the original EDF series, which are drawn in a photo-realistic world, this game is boldly drawn in a voxel world! For people who just hate the look of huge real insects, or w...
An evil organization, named AGYMA, threatens the 200 years of peace the galaxy has enjoyed. It was released for the SNES and also as a view-limited downloadable game for the Satell...
A remake of the PSP game Earth Defense Force 2 Portable, that was a port of the Japanese PlayStation 2 game Earth Defense Force 2 which was called Global Defence Force in Europe an...
Monster Attack is a third-person action shooter and the first game in the Chikyuu Boueigun / Earth Defense Force series. The player takes the role of an EDF (Earth Defence Force) i...
Побочный продукт Earth Defense Force 4.1 с вертикальной прокруткой shoot ’em up.
Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 tells the story of what happened to the voxel Earth after the events of the first installment. It cleverly introduces elements from Earth Defe...
Players assume the role of GDF Commander and control GDF units in turn-based missions against the giant bug menace. Missions take place on 2D hex-maps, with attacks depicted by bri...
An arcade style TPS, which in 60 levels, pits you against giant ants, giant spiders, giant robots and UFOs. Luckily for you, the game has an arsenal of over 150 different weapons a...
The completely remastered Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable features seven new levels and the fan favorite Pale Wing, which allows players to soar high over buildings in her jet pa...
An arcade style TPS, which in 53 levels, pits you against giant ants, giant spiders, giant robots and UFOs. Luckily for you, the game has an arsenal of over 150 different weapons a...
This is the road to hell. The extraterrestrial life forms the Primers slam this challenge down to any elite EDF soldier: A mission pack of over 10 incredibly difficult missions. E...
A SUPER SAGA OF 23RD CENTURY SATELLITE WARFARE! The graphics will dozzle you, the speed will astound you... but if you don't think fast and shoot faster, you won't have a chan...
This is the sequel to Earth Defense Force 3.
This updated version of Earth Defense Force 2025 marks the series first current-gen appearance. It sports improved performance, new content amounting to more than 50 percent of the...