In Legend of Xanadu, the player controls a young adventurer named Areios. Monsters attack his homeland, and he is forced to flee. After traveling by ship and arriving at the town B...
Lord Monarch is a real-time strategy war game by Nihon Falcom. The game is considered to be the seventh installment in the Dragon Slayer series. It was originally released in 1991...
Xanadu Next is an exploration-centric action RPG from Nihon Falcom, the acclaimed creators of the Ys and The Legend of Heroes RPG franchises. A late entry in their immensely popula...
This game exists in two editions, one for the MSX1 and one for the MSX2 with better graphics. In Romancia: Dragon Slayer Jr., you are a young warrior whom the king sends on a miss...
Another remake of the classic RPG Sorcerian this time exclusive to the SEGA Dreamcast. Once again you must take control of a party of 4 player-created adventurers and lead them thr...
Dragon Slayer Gaiden is a spin-off from Dragon Slayer series, developed by Epoch and published by Agenda for the Game Boy platform. The game was only released in Japan.
The Legend of Xanadu II is a direct sequel to the Legend of Xanadu, taking place three years after the original game.
An overhead fantasy ARPG that uses a similar bump-attack style to the Ys games. Some unique features include a day/night cycle, some side-on action sequences and the ability to lev...
Revival Xanadu is a remake of Xanadu: Dragon Slayer II. The remake distinguishes itself with the more detailed, graphically more advanced character portraits and backgrounds in th...
Revival Xanadu 2: Remix is a remake of Xanadu: Scenario 2. The remake is done using graphics and engine identical to those of Revival Xanadu. Just as its original version was an a...