Kamehameha! Prepare to dive into the world of Dragon Ball Z with Earth-shaking combat, a massive character selection, faithful manga-style graphics, and exciting new features in Dr...
Budokai Tenkaichi 3 - это файтинг 1vs1, основанный на аниме / манге Dragon Ball Акиры Ториямы. Она включает в себя апокалиптические сражения и суть серии Dragon Ball, следующей за...
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi lets you play as more than 60 characters from the Dragon Ball Z TV series. You can battle using authentic special attacks of each character as you...
Впервые в истории поклонники Dragon Ball Z могут принять участие в эффектном бою двое на двое в Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team для системы PSP. Играйте в одиночку или объединяйт...
Dragon Ball Z for Kinect used the unique gameplay abilities of the Kinect motion sensor to let gamers become part of the DBZ world. It features all the classic action and intensity...
Tenkaichi 2 is a fighting game with more than 120 playable characters, the biggest amount ever featured in a Dragon Ball game. The main Dragon Adventure mode follows an epic story...
Exclusive to the Wii version are characters that were not included in the PS2 version such as Appule, Cyborg Tao, Demon King Piccolo, Frieza Soldier and Pilaf Machine.
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero takes the legendary gameplay of the Budokai Tenkaichi series and raises it to whole new levels. Make yours the destructive power of the strongest fighte...