The blood-curdling sequel to Dracula: Resurrection brings an even scarier adventure to life. After saving Mina, Jonathan Harker and his beloved return to London carrying a mysteri...
A fright-filled Adventure that transpires in the heart of Transylvania. London 1904. Seven years after the slaying of Dracula, you play as Jonathan Harker, (the protagonist from B...
There is obviously no such thing as vampires... at least according to the official line of the Catholic Church. The trilogy continues as the Prince of Darkness rises again.
A cargo ship carrying a valuable collection of artwork for the Metropolitan Museum of Art sinks. A few months later, one of the paintings resurfaces in Hungary. The Museum sends t...
Dracula 5: The Blood Legacy takes over the investigation right after the final revelation of Dracula 4: The Shadow of the Dragon. Ellen is back at the New York Metropolitan Museum...