Без правил, без ограничений и без пит-стопов - все идет в ход в этом столкновении смятых зон, хаоса и уличного слэминга, где разрушение мотора соперника в ультрареалистичных столкн...
Destruction Derby 2 is the sequel to the MS-DOS, PlayStation, Sega Saturn and Nintendo 64 title Destruction Derby. Here the player must race on up to seven different circuits, in a...
The Smashing Sequel to the King of Destruction! * Progressive Vehicle Damage with Realistic Physics * Up to 4 Players for Maximum Destruction! * Eight Different Gameplay Modes * 2...
The PS1 Destruction Derby titles would put you in the seat of a high powered vehicle, in either an arena or a track, and the target was to race to the finish, while causing as much...
Much like other Destruction Derby titles, the aim of the game is to race through to the finish, while taking out the other cars for points and not crashing out yourself. In this a...