Devil's Crush (known as Devil Crash in Japan) is a pinball video game developed by NAXAT Soft for the TurboGrafx-16 and released in 1990. The second installment in the Crush Pinbal...
Devil Crash (JP)/Devil's Crush (US) is a pinball game ghost-developed by Compile under license from Naxat Soft for the TurboGrafx-16, as part of Naxat's Crush series of pinball gam...
Imagine a living pinball machine...with aliens and outlandish worlds to throw at you. And turbo-charged, speed-of-light pinball action. You control the flippers and ball speed to d...
Jaki Crush is a pinball video game for the Super Famicom that was originally released in 1992, exclusively in Japan. The game is the third in the Crush Pinball series, and was prec...
Sci-Fi Pinball Action! Defeat an alien army and go online to compete for a high score! Alien Crush Returns is the ultimate incarnation of the popular TurboGrafx pinball classic, A...
Dragon's Revenge is a sequel to Dragon's Fury (Devil's Crush). The table for this fantasy pinball game is three screens tall with medieval and dragon graphics. Each of the three s...